

The following steps will guide you in the use of the ATS. It will also illustrate how to access and review applicants. You can watch a complete video tutorial below.


After Login

Immediately after login users are redirected to the ATS dashboard. The dashboard gives some high-level indication about:

  • the number of searches currently open;
  • new searches that are pending approval or that are being processed;
  • Job searches that are completed or expired;
  • And the total number of monthly job ad viewers.

Active Searches

To access your active job searches click on the button “Active Searches” on the side menu. A new view will open at the center of the dashboard. Here all your active searches are listed.

The table will give information regarding the job title, the posting, closing, and expiry date. Most importantly will give information about the number of applicants.

In this overview you can take two important actions: 1. close the search by clicking on “Mark Filled” or view the list of the applicants by clicking on the blue button “SHOW (n.)”.

Candidates' List

Once in the candidates’ list, you can sort them in two ways: by recruitment process status (New, Reviewed, Shortlisted, Interviewed, Hired or Rejected) or by other parameters such as date of application (Newest First), alphabetical order (Name) or stars rating (Rating).

You can also download the entire candidates’ list in a CSV file for further handling in EXCEL or other methods.

Single Candidate

The candidate details, including the CV, are visible by clicking on the button “DETAILS”.

You can perform a number of changes on the individual candidate card. By clicking on “EDIT” you can change the recruitment process status of the candidate; give a star rating or delete the application clicking on the button “DELETE THIS APPLICATION”.

Remember to save the changes before leaving the “EDIT” page.

By clicking on “NOTES” you can add notes to a candidate. For example, in notes you might register the date and time of a call or the outcome of an interview. To save the note press on the button “ADD NOTE”.

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